Vivitar 70 210 3.5
Vivitar 70 210 3.5

vivitar 70 210 3.5
  1. #Vivitar 70 210 3.5 serial
  2. #Vivitar 70 210 3.5 professional
  3. #Vivitar 70 210 3.5 series

They sharpen up at f/8 where the center also reaches good levels. The haze is nearly gone by f/5.6 with central sharpness leaping to medium to good levels, whilst the corners stay a little soft. Vignetting is about 1/2 a stop at f/3.5 and disappears from f/5.6 onwards. At 135 mm, the lens shows a small amount of pincushion distortion (0.6%).Īt 210 mm, the lens is soft and hazy at f/3.5. A very good performance and certainly excellent for a zoom lens. By f/8, the glow transforms into tiny green/magenta CAs. Diffraction starts lightly at f/11, softens f/16 and blurs the image at f/22.Ī light green and magenta glow is visible at f/3.5 and f/5.6. At f/8 central sharpness reaches very good levels again and the corners catch up mostly.

vivitar 70 210 3.5

The haze clears by f/5.6 with central sharpness jumping to good levels but still slightly soft corners. At 70 mm, the lens shows a small amount of barrel distortion (-0.5%).Īt 135 mm f/3.5, the lens is soft and shows a very light haze. The effective T-stop at f/3.5 is approximately T4.1 (-0.4 EV) for all focal lengths, which is good for a zoom. Vignetting is about 1/3 to 1/2 a stop at f/3.5 and disappears from f/5.6 onwards. Starting at f/5.6 the CAs sharpen up but stay close to invisible up to f/22. Tiny red and dark cyan CAs are visible at f/3.5. Softness increases when going to f/16 and most details are blurred away at f/22. Diffraction kicks in very lightly starting at f/11. At f/5.6, sharpness increases to good, at f/8 to very good levels. Sharpness at 70 mm f/3.5 is surprisingly acceptable without any visible haze or soft corners – excellent when considering that this is a zoom lens. Aperture clean and fast.Įxterior: Excellent. Uniform and smooth focus, smooth zoom with nice resistance. The weight slightly reduces camera shake when shooting hand-held and 107 – 320 mm equivalent is a useful range of tele focal lengths. As zooming and focusing is done with the same ring (“one touch”) and you tend to support the camera by it while doing so, locking focus is a little fiddly. Handling on a NEX-5T is okay, but not terribly good. The focus has perfect resistance and is very smooth, as is the the zoom. The lens features a solid build at about 0.7 kg and excellent mechanics. If you want to know more about the different revisions, visit Mark Roberts’ site.

vivitar 70 210 3.5

This Tokina version (serial 37xxxxxx) shows neither of those features. The third version by Komine (serial 28xxxxxx) has a red stripe around the name ring.

#Vivitar 70 210 3.5 serial

You can easily identify the older, first version produced by Kiron by two little wings near the mount and a serial starting with 22. It offers a maximum magnification ratio of 1:4 without a dedicated macro function. This is the second version, produced by Tokina. There are at least five known versions from different manufacturers all sold under the Vivitar brand.

#Vivitar 70 210 3.5 series

The Vivitar (Tokina) Series 1 70-210 mm f/3.5 is an often entitled “legendary” third party zoom produced for different mounts. A lot of my photos are tagged with the lens that was used to take them.This entry was tagged 135 mm 200/210 mm 70 mm 70-210 mm NEX review Series 1 SR mount Tokina vintage Vivitar zoom lens and posted on (updated on ) To see photos that were taken with this lens, Go to my web site at and type in the search feature "Vivitar series 1 28-90mm lens". I would recommend this lens to anyone from a beginner to professional.

#Vivitar 70 210 3.5 professional

I've found this to be a very professional and useful lens. I shot thousands of images with this lens. I think it was well worth the puchase price. Stage lighting can be very difficult and a fast lens is necessary. I also have found that it's fast enough to shoot live Rock Bands in low light. I'll use a fast prime lens on my main camera and the Vivitar 28-90 on the 2nd camera. I keep it on my back up camera when I shoot weddings. Of all my lenses, this has been the one I've used most often. I shoot with Contax, Yashica and Nikon Bodies and have a sizeable lens collection. It has been my workhorse as long as I've had it. I found it to be a very good all around fast zoom and a useful Macro lens. I bought this lens used about 7 or 8 years ago.

Vivitar 70 210 3.5