Planeplotter requires ntp
Planeplotter requires ntp

planeplotter requires ntp

It receives observations and emits actions, and Which is meant is usually clear from context.įor one, the agent is the thing that interacts with the environment. ‘Agents’ can - confusingly - refer to a few different things in megastep. Personal aversion to inheritance hierarchies in research code. That could be handled by subclassing, but I have a The geometry is a dotdict rather than a class because when writing your own environments, it’s common to want to nailĮxtra bits of information onto the side of the default geometry. resĪ float giving the resolution of masks in meters. The mask is -1 in cells touching a wall, and otherwise 0 in free space or positive integer if the cell is You can mapīetween the (i, j) indices of the mask and the (x, y) coords of the walls and lights with

planeplotter requires ntp

The mask is aligned with its lower-left corner on (0, 0), and each cell is res wide and high. masksĪn (H, W) masking array describing the rooms and free space in the geometry.

#Planeplotter requires ntp code#

Restriction, it just makes a bunch of code elsewhere in megastep simpler if the geometry can be assumed to be inĪn (N, 2)-array of the locations of the lights in the geometry, again given as (x, y) coordinatesĪs with the walls, the lights should all have strictly positive coordinates. One ‘weird’ restriction is that all the coordinates should be strictly positive. Practically speaking, a geometry is a dotdict with the following attributes: idĪn integer uniquely identifying this geometry wallsĪn (M, 2, 2)-array of endpoints of the walls of the geometry, given as (x, y) coordinates in units of meters. You can visualize geometries with display :

planeplotter requires ntp

Or with the functions in toys, and then passed en masse to an environment or Core. A geometry describes the static environment that the agents move around in.

Planeplotter requires ntp